Tired of Being Told to

Live With Pain?

U.S. Scientists Admit…

Arthritis and Stiff Joints
Have No
Place in Modern America

There he was…

My grandchild sprawled onto the pavement, eyes closed, unmoving…


It’s a parent's and grandparent’s worst nightmare.

I mean, I had known pain before…

Like the constant searing, stiffening sensation embedded in my joints.

But nothing compared to the pain of simply hearing the words:

“He may not make it.”

I looked at the EMS paramedic, in disbelief, as he uttered those words.

And suddenly, it felt like my whole world had come crashing down.

This was all because of my condition.

My arthritis-stricken knees and joints refusing to listen…

At the absolute worst time anyone can imagine.

If they had, it would have been me fetching that baseball that went out onto the street instead of my grandson, David.

Or perhaps I’d have been able to jump just a little bit higher to catch it when he just barely overthrew it.

It was just another day of us playing catch outside on our front lawn — moments I cherished with him.

But, in a flash…

A speeding van, a loud screech and a collision that may have taken his precious life…

It all happened right in front of my eyes, as I stayed frozen on my hurting knees, not able to get up…

Due to the growing, nonstop joint pain refusing to let me stand.

He's not breathing!"

My entire body felt like a shock and then went completely cold.

"What do you mean he's not breathing?!”

Not one of the medics answered me directly, even as I asked this repeatedly.

I was held back when I tried to fight my way to the ambulance.

My demands for an explanation continued to go unanswered…



The paramedic who had approached me earlier exited the ambulance expressionless…

As he made his way over to me, he said,

"We're so sorry. We did everything we could."

And before I could even respond…

The next thing I knew…

I found myself sitting in bed, panting rapidly.

I looked around frantically, trying to realize where I was…

I looked at the clock next to my bed to see the time.

That’s when I realized it was just a bad dream.

Thank God.

But as you’ll see in a moment…

It was a nightmare that almost came true…

And all because of the condition of my joints and back.

Now, I’ve had this same nightmare on numerous occasions, waking up in a panic and cold sweat.

And, as I said, it nearly happened.

But I vowed never to put myself or my family at risk again because of my joint pain…

That’s why you’re about to see how I finally found an answer that the medical industry doesn’t want you to know.

It will rescue your joints, arthritis-related stiffness and pain in such a natural way…

You’ll be furious about how drug companies have been hiding it from you all along.

It’s the answer you’ve been looking for — especially if prescription drugs, painkillers, creams and treatments have failed you.

Now before I tell you how I eliminated my joint and back pain, and stiffness, in a way only nature could provide…

Allow me to introduce myself.

My name is Ben Marshall…

And if there’s not a day that goes by without:

  • Feeling pain in your joints…
  • Or feeling like your knees and back are constantly failing you…
  • With crippling stiffness and popping noises each time you try to move…
  • Making it hard to get around…
  • And robbing you of your best life in your golden years…

Then hear me out and suspend all disbelief for just a moment.

Let me just explain to you that

…none of this is happening
because of “age.”

You’re about to realize the utter lie that it’s because you’re in your 50s, 60s, 70s or older.

You’re going to discover two things that will finally rescue your joint and even back pain…

One: There’s an ugly truth the medical and even food industries have been hiding from you…

The truth is that arthritis-related pain can be traced to a global poisoning of our foods…

That dates back to a critical event that took place (and quietly went unnoticed) in the middle of the 20th century.

And Two: The pharmaceutical industry cannot profit off the real solution…

So it’s kept its mouth shut, keeping you in the dark about it.

Why? Because it’s just four “rare” ingredients found in nature, used for thousands of years by ancient civilizations…

Nature-based, joint- and cartilage-supporting ingredients that drug companies cannot monopolize!

And combined… They’re crushing lab-made drugs regarding safe, long-term effectiveness for joint and other types of pain. ¹, ², ³, ⁴

Now, let me give you a big clue…

A study published by the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences has shown alarming evidence that we’ve been lied to all along.⁵

According to a paleoanthropologist at Harvard University and one of the authors of this study…

“Arthritis only started to become a worldwide problem during the 1950s.⁶
Therefore, consider this interesting and somewhat obvious fact…
People lived long before that.
So, how could age suddenly be the reason for the ‘wear and tear’ in your joints?”

Well, I’m very excited to tell you about this

recent breakthrough answer to joint or back pain and stiffness.

And the puppet masters who control the industry?

Well… They’re not too happy about it.

Because this nature-derived breakthrough can help “turn the clock around” on your joints, back and the other painful parts of your body…

And get you moving like you’re in your 20s again…

And all without being a slave to life-long medications or having to put up with expensive surgeries… That would otherwise cost thousands of dollars in the long run.

Now please, read this presentation
while you can…

Because there’s a great chance it could get taken down by the powers that be.

I mean, let’s face it…

You don’t have time for nonstop doctor visits, spending hours in their waiting rooms…

You don’t have time to mope around in your bed, feeling absolutely immobile…

You don’t have time to walk around like a cripple, barely able to stand up straight…

You don’t want to depend on others to open jars and cans and tight door locks for you…

For the rest of your life!

Not when you should be making precious memories with your family, kids or grandkids without a care in the world.

Not when you should be enjoying the activities you love…

Like sports, swimming, going on long walks, jogging, hiking or traveling.

It’s time you reject the idea that it's too late for you to live youthfully…

And that your best years are behind you.


So if I were you, I’d stick around for a few more minutes.

Once again, my name is Ben Marshall from Colorado.

I'm retired and already pushing 70.

Yet I’m as spry and nimble as ever.

I love playing with my seven-year-old grandson, David, and spending quality time with my wife, Debra.

But there’s one important thing you should know about me…

I’m not a medical or health expert.

In fact, I didn’t graduate from any fancy university at all, like Harvard or Yale.

I’m just a good ol’ American who wished for nothing more than just one thing:

To make the most out of my remaining years on this earth with my family…

Including my grandson, David.

But all of that almost came crashing down on me one fateful day.

And it was a huge wake-up call.

You see, I could barely walk…

I had major stiffness and fatigue every morning and evening…

The everyday pain I experienced would consume me…

But I would still push through and play with David every weekend.

We used to bond all the time whenever they visited us on the weekends for a BBQ.

Yet over time, my joints got worse and worse…

Until the pain started to become unbearable.

One of my knees really started to feel like it was burning.

And it felt like there were huge cinder blocks inside my lower back and neck.

Then the nightmare came…

That sent me into a panic to find an answer
to my chronic joint pain.

One Saturday afternoon, David and I were playing catch in our backyard…

He overshot the ball, and it went above the fence
and onto the street…

I tried to go after it, but a sharp pain went up my knee, so I just dropped to the ground.

“Grandpa… Are you okay?”

“I’m okay, David. Just give me a few minutes, alright, Buddy?”.

Now the truth is… I knew I couldn’t get up.

So, after David watched me struggle and fail miserably at trying to get on my feet… He went to get the ball himself.

As I witnessed him walk away…

A black sedan came speeding around the corner towards him on the street.

“David!” I shouted desperately.

I panicked and yet felt utterly hopeless… As I couldn’t save my boy.

All I could do was watch and brace myself in some hope, some prayer… That the van didn’t hit him.

And right when the van got close, as I screamed in fear and agony…

His father, my son Joey…

Came sprinting out of nowhere like a gazelle being chased by a predator.

He grabbed David, pulling him out of harm's way just in the nick of time.

I didn’t even see Joey come running, but thankfully he was already outside and noticed what was going on.

To this day… I thank God every day I wake up for not allowing my grandson to get hit by what looked like the grim reaper’s chariot.

But as you can imagine,

I was still mortified to the bone.

For a long while, I couldn’t bear seeing David or even Joey after that.

I felt my crippling pain was responsible for almost losing this boy!

Joey and his wife Natasha (David’s mother) were all too forgiving.

Yet I could not forgive myself.

And so I finally gave in to getting myself checked out.

I went to the doctor, and yes, as expected…

I was told I had arthritis.

And right after that…

It’s as if the pain got even worse.

So I just stayed in my bedroom most days…

And did not move an inch because of the sheer pain (and embarrassment) I felt whenever my grandson and his parents visited.

Despite that… My wife Debra urged me to go outside and at least greet them…

Even telling me how much David missed me!

But I just could not bring myself to do it.

David and the family would almost always have to visit me at my bedside…

Just to say hi and nothing more.

Once they left the bedroom, my brief time with them was immediately over.

I couldn’t have dinner with them, laugh or play with them during their visits…

The physical pain in my joints was unbearable…

Yet the emotional pain of not being able to make more memories with my grandson and family was even more unbearable.

And believe me,

I tried everything.

I had taken every painkiller my doctor prescribed.

I even tried marijuana for crying out loud.

That’s how desperate I was to be able to get up and move again.

But all these solutions were only doing one thing.

They were temporarily masking the pain of my degenerating joints…

Because every single med I was given only tried to stamp out my symptoms.

I was led to believe there was no real answer to getting rid of arthritis and forever removing the pain.

There was only pain management. Nothing more was available to me.

It all felt like complete garbage…

“You want me to sit here and believe that God wanted his creations to live their last years on earth in complete agony?”

That’s all I kept thinking.

Not only that…

I had looked into several support groups.

And I even learned about people who were two or three times younger than me suffering from the same problem.

These were young people in the prime of their lives suffering this same painful fate!

How could this be?

And if that’s the case, can growing old really be the cause of arthritis?

I didn’t buy it. Not one bit.

No matter what, I was going to do everything I could to find an answer…

I wasn’t going to go down without a fight!

Unlike so many people, I was not going to just give in and quit.

And I had to find something myself, since none of these so-called professionals could help me.


Sitting in my bed most of the time…

I fired up my laptop and started digging.

I learned everything I could about arthritis, and joint pain in general.

I spent days and nights staring at my laptop…

And what I found was quite eye-opening:

It turns out…

There's a huge divide in the
medical community.

There’s a heated debate over whether aging is really the cause of arthritis.

In a way, it felt like a sense of relief because I felt like my gut intuition might have been correct!

I wasn’t the only one who had a hard time buying into it…

And now there were people with actual medical degrees that agreed with me!

I mean, the fact that there’s a whole discussion over it means we’ve yet to know its true cause.

And that’s when I stumbled upon a new published study that one of the “naysayers” had posted online to back up this theory:

It was the very study that I talked to you about earlier.⁷

And it has left many folks in the medical community scratching their heads.

You see, the truth is…

Arthritic knee cases have doubled since the 20th century.⁸

How can this be, if age is the primary reason for it?

Why exactly in the 1950s was there suddenly an upward trend in degenerating joints?

I mean, people didn’t suddenly start growing old in the middle of the last century!

It just didn’t make sense…

The old theory of age being the cause of
degenerative joints didn’t add up.

So as I discovered all this, I was left with more questions than answers…

And that’s when my son Joey came to visit me.

“Hey Dad, Mom said you’ve been on your computer for weeks, and she wanted me to check on ya’…. But not tell you I’m checking in on ya.’”

I told him what I’d been doing and filled him in on the things I was finding.

He was a bit stunned not only by the discoveries I shared with him but by how committed I was to finding the answers.

I told him I was certain the doctors had been misled and were wrong about the meds I was prescribed!

He gave me a long stare.

“Are you REALLY sure about this?”

“Look, I have all the evidence right here!”
I said as I showed him all the latest articles and studies about arthritis.¹,⁴

Now, Joey wasn’t a stranger to scientific studies since he’d actually worked as a nutritional chemist.

And we both kept asking…

What happened in the
middle of the 20th century?

Why did cases of arthritis suddenly spike for no apparent reason?

And then, out of nowhere, Joey’s eyes widened…

“Dad, there is one thing that happened around the 1950s….”

“What’s that?” I asked.

“Sugar became FAR more prevalent in the Western Diet.”⁷

It was largely a result of the “American dream…"

With more fast food, drive-thrus, movie theaters, fairs, theme parks and festivals popping up everywhere…

All serving sugary sodas, candies, desserts and even bread and other “regular” foods with filler ingredients that consisted of sugar.

Eventually, those foods became a regular part of the Western diet inside people’s homes and in their everyday lives.

With that, something clicked in my mind.

Sugar is probably the number one public enemy of the world!

Sugar is linked to countless diseases, such as obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure and even cardiovascular problems…⁸

And the main thing that sugar does to all of us… Is to create inflammation.

However, one thing didn’t quite make sense.

I almost never consumed sweets or other sugary foods.

I really didn’t have a sweet tooth at all!

So how could sugar cause my joints to decline?

That’s when Joey looked out the window and let out a big sigh…

“The truth is, Dad… Sugar is present in almost all of the modern food we eat today…
Including foods that aren’t supposed to even taste sweet.
And I’m not only talking about the natural sugar that you get from fruit and honey… I’m also talking about factory-made, highly processed, ‘fake’ sugar that’s far cheaper for food manufacturers!”

He went on to tell me that

sugar is hidden in most of
the foods
we eat today…

From bread and pasta to condiments and even so-called "healthy" snacks, like granola bars and sports drinks.

The most disturbing part is that even fruits and vegetables that are dried or sold out of cans or boxes…

Are often “enhanced” with added sugar.

What’s crazy is that you wouldn’t even know…

Because sugar has at least 30 different names!

Some examples are fructose, lactose, corn sweetener,
fruit juice concentrate, ethyl maltol and so on.

And I bet you can find at least one of these names on the back of every food label you have inside your fridge or cupboard!

It’s almost inescapable.

So, Joey and I studied everything there is to know about the link between sugar and arthritis.

And we discovered one particular thing about sweeteners that will absolutely shock you…

You see, processed sugar can trick the body into attacking itself by mistake.

Yes, you heard that correctly!

Here’s the science behind it:

First, let’s talk about how inflammation actually happens…

Contrary to popular belief, inflammation isn’t all that bad.

In fact, it’s our body's defense reaction against bacteria and pathogens…

Bacteria and pathogens we get from injuries like cuts, frostbite and splinters.

When a specific body part suffers an injury and gets infected with harmful pathogens…

White blood cells move into the area and can release proteins called “cytokines”.

And these cytokines are there to fight the bacteria.

So inflammation is literally cytokines and bacteria going to war…

And the inflamed area is the battlefield.

Yes, cytokines are there to protect us!

Now, stay with me…
Because here’s where things really get messy.

Modern sugar has so much processing and chemicals it’s hard to even recognize it.⁹

And our bodies simply haven’t evolved enough to deal with these types of sweetening substances.

When unknown substances are introduced inside our bodies,
the first reaction is to call “the police…”

Which is our immune system!

Think about it…

If an intruder breaks into your home, the first thing you’d probably want to do is call 9-1-1.

The same goes for inside our bodies.

That’s why the immune system releases an absurd amount of cytokines…

And these cytokines fight an invisible war!

This is where your body is tricked into fighting against itself.

Cytokines can cause inflammation basically everywhere…

Including very frightening places like the brain, liver, and other parts of the body you simply can’t live without!

And in our case? That includes our joints.

So, it’s safe to say…

The joint pain you’re experiencing is the culmination of an overabundance of the added sugar you’ve been consuming (unknowingly) for decades!

It’s not your fault!

Now, some “experts” will tell you that there are forms of arthritis that are not “inflammatory,” such as osteoarthritis.

That’s what they want you to believe.

However, some experts themselves aren’t even 100% sure about this.

There’s pretty damning evidence, based on recent studies, that has blurred the lines between inflammatory and noninflammatory forms of arthritis.¹⁰

And some are now convinced that there might be no such thing as “non-inflammatory” arthritis.

Now armed with all this recent evidence and these studies…

We still need to answer the million-dollar question:

How do we counter all this?

And can joint pain be undone by somehow defeating all the inflammation caused by cytokines?

The obvious answer would be to simply cut out sugar and sweeteners altogether…

But you’ll be amazed at how it’s easier said than done.

Just try cutting out foods and groceries that contain any kind of processed sugar or “hidden” sweeteners that have names you don’t even recognize.

Good luck!

It’s almost impossible to remove sugar and filler ingredients from our foods altogether.

It’s a battle with a near-zero chance of winning.

But what about cytokines?

The thing that results from processed sugars and unhealthy ingredients.

Is it possible to fight that somehow…

And thus rejuvenate the “cushion” between our joints?

That was the question we went on a mission to answer.

And this is where we really went down the rabbit hole. We went on a mission to learn everything we could about cytokines and what could be done to hamper them.

Now, the expected (and quite infuriating) thing to do is simply buy expensive, lab-made drugs…

And to just pump more chemicals inside the body.

But that was the last thing we wanted.

I would rather shoot myself in the foot than roll the dice with those meds again!

So, we looked into a more natural approach:

Herbal medicines and
nature-based substances.

Remedies from God himself!

You know, the things pharmaceutical companies can’t monopolize or profit from.

We went day and night carefully studying different herbs that could possibly fight off cytokines and inflammation in general.

And thankfully, with my son Joey’s background in nutritional chemistry…

Diving deep into these herbs wasn’t a shot in the dark.

We made a list of promising herbs that — according to studies — had the potential to control cytokines and fight all kinds of inflammation

Which, in theory, could help rebalance
lost cartilage in the joints

Once again, thanks to Joey’s background in nutritional chemistry, he had access to a lab where he could conduct his very own experiments.

With my encouragement, help and undying support… He spent two years studying, experimenting with and formulating herbal formulas for cytokine-fighting, natural remedies.

We tried things to see if any of them would help me, with lots of patience and dedication.

Some things failed, and some things worked better than others…

And I’m very happy to announce that our efforts weren’t in vain.

Because eventually,
we nailed it.

What I’m about to reveal to you…

Is The Ultimate
Joint Pain Solution

that consists of two sets of nature-based ingredients.

It’s the greatest ingredient combination that gives your joint pain and arthritis the knockout punch it finally needs… Right at the root cause.

These combined ingredients have not only helped me…

But they’ve also helped thousands of Americans to date by conquering joint pain at its core.

The first set of nature-derived ingredients is what we call the “firefighters.”

Why do we call them the firefighters?

Well, imagine a burning house…

These ingredients are like the firefighters that swoop in and hose down the fire.

They have powerful anti-inflammatory properties that fight inflammation head-on in your body, especially in your joints…

And they do this by balancing the production of cytokines to help your immune system stop fighting against your own body.

The second set of ingredients is what we call “the builders…

Because these are the nature-derived compounds that help stop joint cartilage decay…

And allow your body to “rebuild” cartilage.

Now, going back to the burning house analogy…

Sure, the fire may be extinguished…

But you’re still left with a house of rubble!

That’s why this group of builder ingredients helps rebuild a “new house” (your joint cartilage).

So, what exactly are these firefighter and builder ingredients for your joints?

Here they are:

The first “firefighter” is Boswellia.

Boswellia comes from the Boswellia serrata tree native to India.

And there’s a reason why it’s been one of the most valued herbs in India since around 1500 B.C.!

Lately, this miracle herb from ancient India has been leaving modern scientists in awe…

A well-renowned medical expert named Dr. Mandell even called it the “World’s Greatest Healing Herb.”¹¹

It has unparalleled anti-inflammatory properties that have been proven time and time again.

One groundbreaking study showed that Boswellia was able to reduce inflammation in test subjects in just seven short days.¹²

How exactly?

It has an uncanny ability to inhibit cytokines.

And this is exactly what we needed to kickstart this ultimate arthritis solution: To balance cytokines!

Now, the other ingredient in this joint-pain, firefighter super combo…

Is none other than Turmeric

With its main active component called curcumin.

Where do we even start with this amazing compound?

It’s now widely known that it can improve heart health, defend against Alzheimer's, help work against cancer and offer so many other benefits.¹³, ¹⁴, ¹⁵, ¹⁶

It’s truly a world-class, natural ingredient for overall health.

And it’s also considered one of the most powerful anti-inflammatory herbs on the planet.

Is it really any wonder why this golden spice has been part of Indian medicine and food recipes for over 4,000 years?!

Now, these two herbs, Boswellia and Turmeric, combined are extremely potent in attacking inflammation and joint pain.

But here’s the truth:

Many of the products out there will often stop with these two…

And you’ll find them available anywhere.

However, there is a saying that goes like this:

Nature does not hurry, yet everything gets accomplished.

Well, you see, when I tried these herbs, yes, they were working…

But I felt they could be
even better and faster

And I mean better and faster than anything else out there!

I didn’t want to just sit and wait for nature to take its sweet time… Because tomorrow wasn’t guaranteed.

I mean, who knew how much time I had to spend with my grandson David?

That’s why I was hellbent on coming up with the best anti-arthritis formula that works better and quicker.

And that’s why stopping at just these two ingredients (like most mediocre products on the market do) wasn’t enough.

“Joey, these work great… I really feel a sense of relief…
But I really feel we can step it up a notch,” I told my son.

I wanted the inflammation to feel like it wasn’t even there… Sooner than later.

And apart from that…

I wanted a solution that didn’t require the (next to impossible) mission of cutting out all sugar.

I didn’t want to worry about painstakingly reading every darn food label at the grocery store or checking the ingredients at every restaurant… Just to avoid any sugar or sweetener out there.

I wanted to make life easy.

I also wanted to be able to take a bite out of a sprinkled doughnut once in a while…

Or, eat a slice of cake on David’s birthday!

And not have to worry about “canceling out” the benefits of the ingredients or suddenly feeling like my joints were on fire.

I wanted to enjoy life.!

So, like a man possessed…

I convinced Joey to go “mad scientist” in making the formula better, stronger, faster!

So, we turned back to our list of herbs…

And I stumbled upon a new set of ingredients
that were pretty unheard of.

These additional firefighters are Quercetin and Bromelain.

Both Quercetin and Bromelain, just like Boswellia, can also inhibit cytokines.¹⁷,¹⁸

In fact, these very same ingredients have been used to tame excessive inflammation during exercise... ¹⁹,²⁰

Due to high training volume and intensity.

Now, we also added one more nature-derived substance to really take this thing to the top:

MSM — which stands for Methylsulfonylmethane. And it has been known to pacify inflammation specifically inside the joints and to help rebuild cartilage.

Now, MSM supplements are nothing new…

They’ve long been known for fighting joint pain. However…

There’s one major reason why most MSM products hardly work:

They’re often manufactured in a lab!

Yet the MSM we use is harvested directly from green plants.

Now, we also added one more nature-derived substance to really take this thing to the top:

In other words… The type of MSM you’ll be using is of the highest quality and the kind your body actually knows how to respond to.

So we have Boswellia and what I like to call “Querce-melanin,” which is the combination of Quercetin and Bromelain… To help balance cytokines and fight unnecessary inflammation.

And we also have MSM and turmeric to vigorously attack the swelling and pain that results from inflammation.

Combining these firefighter powerhouses gives you the inflammation-freedom and relief…

Like you used to have back in your 20s and 30s!

And all without the fear of nasty side effects that come far too often with lab-made drugs.

But now…

Let’s talk about the “rebuilding” ingredients inside our formula:

It’s just one powerful pair of ingredients that is capable of virtually “turning back the clock…”

And give you youthful joints that help you move like you used to!

They are: Glucosamine and Chondroitin.

Now, for someone who is suffering from joint pain… I’m sure you’ve heard of these two before.

You’ve probably also tried supplements and medications that consist of these ingredients.

But here’s the thing…

While science does show that these two combined can help support the regeneration of cartilage in your joints…²¹

There are two common problems with the “standard” Glucosamine and Chondroitin supplements you see in the market.

One, they don’t exactly address “cartilage rebuilding” holistically — something our ingredients are designed to do by nature.

And two, most of the Glucosamine and Chondroitin found in the market are made from cheap sources and come with filler ingredients.

But real Glucosamine — the one that actually works — is harvested from shellfish.

And the real Chondroitin is sourced safely from cows and sharks!

Rest assured…

The type of Glucosamine and Chondroitin you’ll
be using is from the best sources available,

so there is no cutting corners here!

This allows you to maximize your innate ability to build up a healthy “cushion” between your joints, as your body naturally promotes cartilage.

And the result is incredible joint-pain relief that lasts… Is absolute proof of it.

Now look…

We’ve tested this exact formula, not only on myself, but also on hundreds of willing participants we found online…

Including various online forums and arthritis support groups, full of people who had lost all hope.

And as God as my witness, I’m telling you right now…

This unbeatable mix of nature-derived
ingredients has resulted in

over 4,000+ miracles.

When people tried our formula… Within months we started to get messages telling us how we changed people’s lives and that we’re miracle workers.

One of them even told us they could go on a nice bike ride… Something they hadn’t been able to do in a decade! And more and more messages poured in as our excitement grew.

Now initially, we only made a few batches for our inner circle, plus a select group of people online to test it out on.

But what ended up happening was… Overwhelming.

Word-of-mouth suddenly kicked in…

And 100 people turned into 500 people.

Then it turned into 1,000…

And eventually into 4,000!

I mean, it spread like wildfire…

And since then, we’ve received thousands more emails and texts from people saying they, too, have experienced the life-changing effects of rejuvenated joints.

It was clear that we had achieved the perfect combination, dosage and concentration of the best of the best ingredients that nature had to offer for joint pain and arthritis.

We put these ingredients in exact amounts
inside easy-to-swallow capsules…

And took just two a day, first thing in the morning.

And within months or even weeks… I went from being stiff and in pain to being full of life, energetic and strong.

I no longer miss a moment with my family during weekends, holidays, BBQs and birthday celebrations.

And I get to play with my grandkids without missing a beat.

And I’m not the only one…

Robert Kramer, 64, from Kentucky

“Ben and Joey, I don’t know how you did it, but you two are absolutely blessed. I’ve been going in and out of the doctor’s office for years…
But, it was you who actually made a difference in my painful arthritis, and I’m back to my old self again. It’s been literally years since I was able to move this freely.
You are 100 percent doing God’s work.”

Mary Horton, 60, from Delawarey

“I was on the brink of having surgery for my arthritis, but then I heard about your work from a friend.
THIS is a miracle in a bottle. I really do call these pills my miracle pills. Over time, I’ve really noticed a massive difference in my mobility…
And I’m finally enjoying my retirement with an active lifestyle. It’s like my body was fully revitalized!”

Mark Lemoine, 59, from Florida

“I've had aching joints since I turned 50. It has been incredibly frustrating for me because nothing could solve this! But your product has been wonderful for my sore knees and throbbing wrists.
After taking this for some time, I’ve been able to walk at least two miles every day and I’m back to playing my tennis.
I’m a true believer in your product. Thank you!”

And there are so many others we could tell you about.

Seeing how we’ve been helping people all across the country…

Has been an out-of-this-world experience.

Who would’ve thought that a simple man like me, who lives in a small town in Colorado… Would be impacting the lives of thousands of Americans?

I, myself, am finally free from the clutches of excruciating joint pain and crippling stiffness…

And I’m once again
strong and energetic.

I have no problem:

  • Hopping out of bed easily…
  • Going on long walks and jogs…
  • ​Chasing my grandkids…
  • Not hearing or experiencing any “snap, crackle or pop” when I bend my knees or try to pick up something a bit heavy with my arms…
  • Or even working out again!

And I know this will do the same for you, if you take it once a day with water…

And just stick with it.

Now what’s crazy is that I decided to do something a bit “extreme” for my age…

To truly test my newly rebuilt joints.

So… David and I went sledding!

I felt like a million bucks pushing him up the snowy slope in his sled.

And we slid down the slope with laughter and smiles. Not an ounce of nagging pain.

And my transformation was made official
when I scheduled an MRI.

And when the doctor had the MRI results in his hands… He was stunned.

“I’ve never seen anything like this before. If I had to guess by the look of your results, I’d say you’re in your 20s!”

We also had another user get an MRI.

And guess what? It was unbelievable!

Now… It’s your turn.

I want you to be our next success story, telling us how this formula has changed your life.

But before I share with you how you can grab this formula and take things into your own hands… I just want to thank you.

You’ve made it this far into the presentation…

So, it really shows how committed you are to getting your life back and overcoming joint pain once and for all.

And I guarantee that you won’t be disappointed with what I have in store for you.

Because the way I see it, you have three possible paths to take:


One, you do nothing and stick with the way things are…

Waking up with no will to move…

Having to constantly battle the pain in your body, and have it rob you of your life.

And possibly just relying on painkillers and chemically-infused medications, making constant trips to the doctor and physical therapist that never seem to end…


Or you can go with the second option:

You can take what you can from this presentation…

Search the ends of the earth for a reputable, natural supplier of these ingredients yourself…

Spend thousands of dollars on hiring a health professional to somehow come up with the perfect dosage and concentration…

And go through months of trial and error, like we did, to figure out the exact amount that works.

Or you can go the easiest, most economical and sensible route:

Win the battle against arthritis and joint pain by simply taking two capsules of our formula within seconds each day…

And make joint pain
a thing of the past!

So, if you’re ready to take the best path to feeling youthful and mobile in your body again, and absolutely amaze your family and friends…

Then I’d like to tell you about our world-class product…


Rescue Flex™

Rescue Flex™ is the same exact formula that I and thousands have used to completely conquer joint pain and enjoy mobility again.

It’s the same unique blend of “firefighter” and “builder” ingredients that are conveniently packed inside a bottle.

All you have to do is take just two capsules per day with water.

And slowly but surely… You’ll feel your body and joints have traveled back in time.

Each of our ingredients is thoroughly examined by a third-party institution to maintain the quality and effectiveness inside every capsule.

And every capsule and bottle is packaged here in America.

We’ve also partnered with a top-tier company here in the United States called PhytAge Labs to help us mass produce it…

While ensuring the quality of every single bottle.

This is literally the gold standard in supplement production!

And with this level of quality and undeniable effectiveness… We asked our users how much they thought it was truly worth, knowing it gave them their life back.

How much was it worth to once again enjoy freedom from stiffness and pain?

Now, a lot of them answered they’d give thousands of dollars for that kind of freedom and quality of life again… Especially when compared to the cost of expensive medical treatments, surgeries and medications.

But my friend, how about you?

What would it take for you to
secure a pain-free life?

With that in mind…

Yes, a bottle of Rescue Flex™ may be worth over thousands of dollars… Considering how much work, money and energy went into it.

But honestly… I’d be condemned if I were to charge a soul that amount, making it out of reach for too many people who are suffering.

That’s why I won’t even think of charging $500…

And not even a fraction of that at $100!

Now, I want you to know that this product is
NOT available on Amazon or any other website.

It is only available HERE.

Normally Rescue Flex™ retails for $129 for a 1-month supply.

And when you consider how much a newly mobile and pain-free body is worth to you…

How much having the newfound freedom from any painful limitations that used to stop you from getting things accomplished each day…

Or just having some good ol’ pain-free fun.

And how many thousands of dollars you’ll save in healthcare costs…

Unlike some conventional solutions…

It is not an NSAID drug that can increase the risk of heart attack or stroke.

Or a painkiller prescription drug that can become addictive and could also be quite dangerous…

Which is a huge relief for so many… Because they love knowing they don’t have to fear long-term health disasters.

Plus, on top of all of that…

Rescue Flex™ doesn’t come with the nasty side effects that come with so much modern medicine.

Which is absolutely HUGE!

When considering all of that…

This $129 for a 1-month supply would be a fair price.

But right now and through this website only…

New Customers Can Get Rescue Flex™ Today At A Major Discount

If you’re ready to deliver a devastating blow to joint pain and arthritis with Rescue Flex™ today…

You can grab a 30-day supply for a limited-time discount of only $2.30 a day!

That’s just $69.95 per bottle that lasts you for an entire month. Which is a huge savings of almost $60 off the regular $129 price!

However… It gets better.

After some intense negotiation with the CEO of Phytage Labs…

Today only, you can receive 4 bottles of Rescue Flex™…

For only $49.95 a bottle!

That’s just $1.63 a day! And you ensure you have enough to last you for MONTHS…

Virtually guaranteeing you don’t run out before you get all the benefits…

PLUS… You’ll also get FREE shipping if you order right now (for a limited time), while you’re on our website.

The FREE shipping and limited-time discount will not last long, as we’re running a special.

On top of that… You’ll get the most ridiculously good money-back guarantee, where we’ll give you an additional $100 just for trying it out. (Keep watching)

So, just make the decision today — one that
your future self will thank you for.

But this special discount is only guaranteed today and only through this website…

And as part of the Rescue Flex™ “Pain-Free Joints” campaign.

So Choose The 4-Bottle Package
(Or Any Other Package That’s Right For You) Below…

And Secure Your Order Today
While Supplies Are In Stock!

We can’t make this deal much better than that, don’t you agree?

We want you to experience the effects of our proprietary “inflammation-fighting” formula for yourself and wake up to a body and mind that feels at ease, healthy, youthful, energized and ready to take on the world!

And if you don’t?

We’ll just simply give you
your money back…

Plus, we’ll do something absolutely crazy…

Not only will you get all your money back, but we’ll also give you an additional $100 just for giving it an honest try! (No joke).

I know it sounds like we’ve lost our minds, but we’re not kidding around.

If you’re not happy with it for any reason at all….

We’ll give you every single penny back…

PLUS another $100… even if you use the entire bottle.

That’s how confident we are that our solution works.

PhytAge Labs is trusted by over 800,000 customers around the globe…

And we have a reputation for being obsessive
when it comes to quality control and testing.

Each of our products is made in a Good Manufacturing Practices facility, has been certified by GMP for quality and sanitation and is regularly tested for potency by the FDA.

We make sure every ingredient we source is tested thoroughly before use.

This way, we ensure that every part of Rescue Flex™ is of absolute quality so that you never have to wonder.

We believe that it’s extremely important to make sure that…

Each bottle of Rescue Flex™ has exactly what it says on the label.

No more. No less.

It’s pretty standard for us to dip into our own profits to ensure the quality of every bottle.

Sure, we may not make as much money as we could… But we know that you’ll be a customer for life.

And remember…

The more you order,

the more money you save…

…and the less you have to worry about running out…

And missing days or even weeks of doses.

This is the smallest, but most powerful investment you’ll make for your health and for your family.

Now, allow me to give you another very important reason to consider ordering four bottles…

Our bodies are different.

The number of chemicals and cytokines in your body may be far different than mine.

But at the very base, the methodology to fight joint pain and arthritis is the same.

However, because our bodies are different…

It may take you a shorter or longer period of time to see results.

What we do know is that
every single day is crucial!

And missing even just one single day may set your progress back. If I were you, I wouldn’t gamble with just one bottle…

That’s why securing a four-bottle supply is the smartest decision to make absolutely certain you don’t miss a single day.

Also… Because of the thorough process we go through to manufacture each bottle…

It can take up to two to three months, at least, just to make a new batch.

So naturally, this offer is only good as long as our supplies last.

Once we run out, the “Buy Now” button you see on the screen will disappear or become inactive.

However, I know you’re serious and committed to changing your life ASAP…

Hence, you’re still watching!

Try Rescue Flex™ today.

And if for any reason you decide it isn’t right for you…

Just let us know by emailing our customer support within 90 days.

We’ll not only give you every penny back…

But we will also give you an additional $100 just for giving it an honest try — no questions asked!

And if you don’t use the entire thing, you can even keep the remaining amount… You don’t have to return any of it.

We are not kidding around here.

This isn’t some hyped-up gimmick.

This is 100% true.

Simply try Rescue Flex™, and if you think it’s not for you…

We will give you your purchase price back in full, plus an additional $100!

That’s how confident we are that Rescue Flex™ is going to work for you.

So let’s quickly recap here:

  • You now know that joint pain is not caused by aging…
  • You also know there’s been worldwide poisoning via hidden sugars since the 20th century… And it’s what’s wreaking all kinds of havoc inside our bodies via inflammation… Including inside our joints and cartilage.
  • You’ve also learned how inflammation causes cytokines to react inside our bodies, causing damage to our joints.

And for resilient joint rejuvenation, you need two things:

To balance cytokines.
And to support cartilage growth!

We then dove deep into the herbs and nature-based compounds that are designed to do exactly that.

And our very own supplement Rescue Flex™ has all the necessary ingredients neatly packed inside a capsule!

All you need to do…

Is simply take two capsules per day.

And you’ll rapidly experience the same “love, peace and happiness” inside your joints…

That myself and thousands of others have experienced!

Look, think of it this way…

That “Buy Now” button you see below this presentation is a switch.

A switch to a time machine.

When you click it, it transports you back to those years when you were living a pain-free and stress-free life.

The days when you woke up feeling young and spry…

Where you could walk, jog, move and run with no ounce of pain or concern in the world.

All you have to do is simply click that button, fill out your order details on the next page (which is 100% secure)

And just sit back and relax.

After choosing a package…

You will be redirected to a 100% Secure and Encrypted Checkout Page…

Where there’s a simple order form to fill out…

This order page uses the same highest level of security that Amazon and the biggest banks use, so you don’t have to worry about security when using your credit card.

And after that…

Your order of Rescue Flex™ will be shipped to you…

And will arrive within five business days from now.

This is a one-time-only payment. There are no hidden charges or fees, no automatic rebilling later and no subscription fees.

So, looking at the facts…

This Is One Of The Smallest,

Yet Smartest Investments…

You Will Ever Make For Your Joint Health…

So go ahead and choose a package right now while there are still supplies in stock…

And enjoy the peace of mind that comes when you're feeling your best today!



Special Offer: $49.95/bottle

Regular Price: $279.80

Your Total: $199.80


Free Shipping in the USA



Special Offer: $59.95/bottle

Regular Price: $139.90

Your Total: $119.90


Free Shipping in the USA





Free Shipping in the USA

Regardless of your selection, your entire purchase is protected by our EXCLUSIVE MONEY BACK GUARANTEE + $100… Created ONLY for those who take advantage of my special offer!

If this isn’t a WIN/WIN,
I don’t know what is…

If you’re not waking up every morning overwhelmed with a sense of pride and enthusiasm from the powerful results of Rescue Flex™ and don’t feel a difference throughout your days and nights…

Send us an email, and I’ll refund you every penny immediately…

PLUS $100. No questions asked.

We’ll immediately ship your order of Rescue Flex™ right to your doorstep in a matter of days.

Once it arrives, just open the packaging, pop open your first bottle and take down two small, easy-to-swallow capsules with water.
And that’s it!

Just keep taking two a day…

And feel the magic happen in a matter of weeks.

Look, it’s time to take control of your body…

And take control of your life.

And do it without sacrificing your finances with expensive procedures, surgeries, medications and nonstop doctor visits.

Try Rescue Flex™, and I guarantee you, you won’t regret it.

Tap the order button below right now to reserve your supply of Rescue Flex™.

There’s zero risk, and your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed.

Remember, you get $100 if you ask for a refund just for giving it an honest try within 90 days.

So go ahead and click the order button with no worry, no risk and no fear…

While we still have enough stock on hand.

If you see the order button below, on this page, and it’s still active…

That means you’re in luck.

It means we’re currently in stock.

So don’t waste a moment.

We get orders each and every day, so you never know… At any moment, we could run out.

Click the order button right now while it’s still active. We can’t wait to hear your amazing, life-transforming story!

I’m Ben Marshall.

Thank you for your time today.

Choose Your Package Below:



Special Offer: $49.95/bottle

Regular Price: $279.80

Your Total: $199.80


Free Shipping in the USA



Special Offer: $59.95/bottle

Regular Price: $139.90

Your Total: $119.90


Free Shipping in the USA





Free Shipping in the USA

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